Claim Instructions for your Joshua Kane

Digital NFT

Part 1: Setting up your cryptocurrency wallet

  • If you have a wallet already, skip to Part 2.

  • If not, please follow the instructions below:

  • i. Visit and select Android, iOS, or Chrome for your particular operating system of choice. This will download and install the application or extension.

    ii. For Chrome, detailed instructions are found here.

    iii. If you are new to crypto or just want more details, follow this tutorial:

  • i. Once installed, you will need to create an account with MetaMask. This is not a trivial process, so proceed slowly and pay attention to information that you enter. This is a digital financial account, so making changes later can be challenging. You will need to write down, backup, or otherwise copy your secret code words (NEVER share this with anyone, even MetaMask as they will never ask you for this – anyone who asks is trying to hack your account). The guide in Step 2, Section a, number iii will lead your through this process (this guide is for Chrome, but once installed, the account creation is the same).

    ii. If you wish, you can add funds to your wallet to purchase items. Pay attention to the cost of conversion from fiat (standard everyday currency, like USD or Euros) to cryptocurrency. This is not free and the price to exchange fluctuates wildly. For example, an initial funding of $200USD netted $168.50USD of value in Ethereum at the time of this writing. YOU WILL NEED funds for purchasing items unless the item you are receiving is free to you.

Part 2: Claiming your NFT

  • Contact JK Digital / Joshua Kane Bespoke via email to share with them your key number (it should be x/90, like 7/90) and your wallet ID (the public address of your wallet, it is found right at the top under ‘Account x’ and there is a small copy icon to copy it).

  • JK Digital will then transfer the NFT into your wallet.

  • Once you receive confirmation that your item has been transferred, browse to the collection on

    OpenSea to retrieve your item and browse for others:

  • Once the item is selected, you can open and view the item. There is a link to the download in the ‘Reveal Unlockable Content’ area. This will give you a link to download the file, but you will need the PIN to access the actual download.

Part 3: Opening the NFT

  • Once you downloaded the file, you will need to go to this link: .

  • This will open a tab on your browser with a GLTF (the file format the NFT is in) viewer. On the right-hand side of the tab you will see a menu. Click on the Display button. Once selected, de-select (turn off) the Image Based lighting (top option). Also, click on the square under Background Color and select Black by dragging the arrow to the bottom left corner. This configures your viewer for the best quality viewing for your NFT.

  • Next, drag and drop the file from your operating system folder (likely the Downloads folder, but you should recall the save location from the previous steps where you downloaded the file) to this tab. There will, by default, be a helmet there, so you will drag and drop right on top of that. BE PATIENT – it will take several minutes to load the file. Once it is loaded (again, this may take several minutes), you should see your NFT. It is a Digital Snowglobe.

  • Learning to navigate this snowglobe may take a few minutes, but spend some time with it and you will see why we created the very highly detailed and special file format just for your viewing pleasure. Here are the controls:

  • Left click and hold to rotate the image (left, right, up, or down).

  • Right click and hold and then move up or down to zoom in and out (you can also use the Scroll Wheel if your mouse has one).

  • Click in on the scroll wheel and drag to move the image (left, right, up, or down). You can also hold the Shift key on the keyboard and left click and drag to move the image.

  • You may have to use combinations of these controls to rotate, zoom, or position the image to get into all the details. Be aware, you can get a little ‘too close’ and accidentally enter some of the 3D objects, so just zoom out if this occurs.

  • Feel free to reach out to us at Fathom 7 Digital Studios with any questions or concerns.